“The best breakfast meeting so far!”

“Outstanding, I am truly inspired”

“I love the focus Neil had on youth employment”

These comments are just a sample of the direct feedback we received following our latest breakfast meeting featuring Neil Glentworth on the 18th July.

As a Chamber we have been spoiled by the depth of talent in presenters we have had for our monthly breakfast meetings. The main focus from those prior presenters has been squarely focussed on the future of Gympie. The Chamber felt it was timely to have a presenter that could focus on opportunities our members could put in place today.

To that end, Neil Glentworth provided advice in spades.

“Do you know how much that Rainbow Beach turn-off sign is worth?” Neil asked the crowd. “$250,000,000. I have typed that correctly, that is a quarter of a billion dollars is potential revenue drive right past and down Brisbane Road”.

“People WILL stop in Gympie, they just need a reason to want to stop here.”

So, the question we need to ask ourselves of business owners is;

  • Do we give people a reason to want to stop and shop in our premises?
  • Is our customer service on point?
  • Are we marketing ourselves correctly?
  • What can we do better to be memorable?
  • Can we get a slice of that $250,000,000 pie?

Neil also focussed on adventure tourism as a potential boon for our region. Just think about our setting for a moment. We have the bush, we have the beach, we have mountains and open space. The old movie quote, “Build it and they will come” comes to mind, but inversely if we don’t build it, they won’t come.

I have said it before and I will say it again. We are perfectly positioned for a multitude of opportunities. Being two hours from Brisbane places us at the perfect distance to stop and refuel, get the kids out of the car and stretch the legs.

When people get out of their cars, they are spending money in our town. Let’s encourage them to spend more by making a great impression!

Right now (and always) we need to count every cent – because every cent counts.

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Written by Brendan Allen – Tenacious Digital