by Oakvale Homes
Recently we attended a Builders Conference in Melbourne. This year’s theme was “Work, Life Balance”. Kurt and I were fortunate enough to be on the guest speaking panel; fielding questions on how we obtain our “Work, Life Balance”. This experience got the pair of us thinking…. Do we really have a balance? The answer is of course NO! I would really like to find the business owner with a small family who does. Ways in which we try to keep our “Balance” in check is looking at our fantastic team, seeing their strengths and weaknesses and give them the duties in the business that best supports them. This, in turn, creates a positive workplace and helps increase job satisfaction and productivity.
Separating “Work Life” and “Home Life” is important. We try to minimise work talk at home and spend our time together with our 3 boys. We usually debrief when we both arrive home, and then Kurt will take the boys outside to the Vegie Garden. This helps to separate work from home, get outside into the fresh air and discuss the kid’s day with them.
A few points we took out of the conference were:
• Don’t be afraid to say No to people. If you know in yourself you won’t be able to achieve that deadline, don’t sign up for it. If you can’t deliver the best quality, don’t put yourself under that unnecessary stress.
• Delegate. I know I have to work on this. Don’t be afraid to delegate duties to others. This can empower people and also free up your time to complete more important things, like working “on” the business and not “in” the business, so to speak.
• Look at a hobby, task, game you enjoy and can complete as a family. (Hence our Vegie Garden).
• Maintain a social life. Make the time to go out with friends to rejuvenate yourself. It is important for wellbeing and mental health.
As we approach the Christmas Break maybe it’s a good time for you to evaluate your own “Work, Life Balance” and how you can obtain a “Balance” that works better for you in 2018. Of course, if you have a perfect balance, please share your tips with those around you. Knowledge is a powerful thing and helping others in your business community will also help you.
This blog is courtesy of Oakvale Homes – Check them out on Facebook here
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